We are committing, taking action and investing


When it comes to preparing for tomorrow, we didn’t just start today…

At Retail Shake, we take our commitments and our social responsibility seriously! We strive to create value for all through strong and sustainable growth; incorporating social, economic and environmental concerns into our corporate strategy.

Since its inception, Retail Shake has been involved in a significant number of social initiatives centered on a range of topics.

These commitments are driven by the duty to take action and to pass our heritage on to future generations

Photo de l'entièreté de l'équipe Retail Shake

Our commitment is based on 3 pillars.

Engagement RSE

 Sharing moments


We are committed to improving corporate social life. At Retail Shake, we spend eight hours a day together at work and we know how important good working relations are for everyone’s wellbeing. We strive to enhance corporate social cohesion. We also ensure that everyone has a clear and valued place in future projects and challenges.

RSE on donne notre temps

Giving our time


A team spirit is part of Retail Shake’s genetic makeup. We foster it through social occasions, but also by promoting group solidarity, which is expressed each day through being attentive to others, but also through outward-looking solidarity initiatives. We take part in these initiatives or human adventures together, and they provide ever greater meaning to our professional undertakings.

On change les habitudes

Changing habits


Our actions are guided by our willingness to make a positive environmental impact. To this end, we use tools proposed by the B-corp label and we undertake to measure our progress. Retail Shake focuses on decisions which place it on a more sustainable trajectory. Our course of action is simple: to set environmental, social and societal objectives, to follow them and more importantly, to achieve them.

Future CSR initiatives

Blood donation

“Donating blood saves lives”. For World Health Day, Retail Shake has undertaken to give a small part of itself to help others. Humanity, generosity and citizenship; blood donation is an important joint initiative.

Image illustrant un don du sang
Image illustrant de la cohésion d'équipe

Team day

Team day enables us to get together to partake in outside activities. We love it and we always manage to rediscover ourselves in a certain manner. We come back more unified than ever.

Volunteer days

We commit on a short-term basis to helping a volunteer organization achieve its goals. We get involved in tangible and cohesive initiatives which motivate us and spread wellbeing around Retail Shake.

Image illustrant l'entraide
Image représentative de l'écologie

World Clean Up Day

It’s our planet’s international day! We roll up our sleeves and try to make our world healthier little by little. This year, we’re getting even more people involved in order to make a bigger impact !

Our current actions

Imparting the company culture

Logo décoratif en rapport avec les événements Retail Shake

Retail Shake events


Twice a year (to mark the start of summer and winter), we all spend a day together in a nice place. We have a chance to discuss, to laugh (a lot) and to make some happy memories

Comme à la maison

Feeling at home


We decorate our offices to make us feel at home in them. We spend a lot of time in the office so we want them to offer us a pleasant environment. Every time we win a challenge, we buy a small gift for the office!

La bière du jeudi soir

Thursday night beer


Because we enjoy letting our hair down and because it’s important to get together to discuss other things from time to time! We jump at any opportunity to have fun together at Retail Shake !

Striving to make a positive environmental impact

Le tri sélectif

Waste sorting


Waste sorting is important to us and we are committed to it. There’s no room for mistakes (we’re not that mean obviously ! ) Follow our lead and recycle !

Le world clean up day

Word Clean Up Day


We love this event and we think it’s vital. We grab our gloves and garbage bags and go and collect litter around the office. As a team of course !

Une démarche locale

A local initiative


At Retail Shake, we don’t like to go too far to meet our needs. Our suppliers are all local (truck, etc.) and our partners are too !

The human factor

On ne recrute pas un CV

We don’t recruit a CV


If we’re convinced of one thing, it’s that a CV is not all that counts. At Retail Shake, we prefer to delve a bit deeper and really figure out the profile of each person to understand what they could bring to the company.




We’ve all been new at one time or another (especially when coming from abroad). So, we put ourselves in the person’s shoes and we onboard them in the best way we can! We explain everyone’s positions in detail, their tasks and their place in the company. And more importantly, we invite new recruits to have a beer with us on Thursday evening!

On partage



At Retail Shake we like to have our finger on the pulse. Transparency in the company is important; therefore, every morning, we take 15 minutes to discuss what we’re proud of and any problems we might be tackling.

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